Ruger's eye coverage could negatively affect him! Ish Kevin disconnected technical stuff, check out novelties characterised 'Drip City Event'

There was a super international live concert that was performed by upcoming Nigeria artists; Ruger and AV and Rwandan artists took place at Canal Olympia, Rebero.

Feb 21, 2022 - 10:09
Feb 21, 2022 - 10:08
Ruger's eye coverage could negatively affect him! Ish Kevin disconnected technical stuff, check out  novelties characterised 'Drip City Event'

'Drip City Event' was a super live concert of Saturday, February 19, 2022, took place at Canal Olympia, Rebero, Kigali.  It was an international live concert that was performed by local upcoming artists including Ish Kevin, Afrique, Okkama, Ariel Wayz and Kenny K-Shot. It was also performed by Nigerian artists: Ruger( Mr. Dior) and AV.

"" tried to collect all super innovations involved in the international live concert.

1. Ish Kevin was early stopped to perform and made him to disconnect technical instruments.

Ish Kevin is among Rwandan rapper who are singing trappish songs and having fans. This trappish man came on stage after all Rwandan artists including Ish Kevin, Okkama, Ariel Wayz, Afrique and Kenny K-Shot. He was stopped to perform in order to call up Nigerian artists.

After disturbing moment over his performance, he was ordered to leave the stage. He stepped down with sadness. Immediately, he disconnected used instruments.

2. Fans of Ish Kevin stoned super MC Lion Manzi.

After departure of Ish Kevin, Lion Manzi got on stage and Ish Kevin' s fans stoned him by begging him to bring again super trapper, Ish Kevin.

Honestly, Lion Manzi asked forgiveness and informed fans that time made them to rush the party. He told fans that in coming moment Ish Kevin could come back on stage.

After boom of Ish Kevin' s fans wanting his come back on stage, party controllers decided to call him and again performed by finishing what he had started.

3. Waited Nigerian  artists performed shorter time.

The international live concert was highly advertised and asked fans to be ready. Different fans attended the live concert for purpose of meeting with super Nigerian artists: Ruger and AV.

Unexpectedly, they performed shorter time than what was expected by fans. There was no artist among them performed over four songs. 

The first Nigerian artist who is AV climbed the stage about 21:41' clearly put fans into happiness state. He started with loved song"Confess."

4. Waited artist 'Ruger' performed shorter time.

This international artist who comes from Nigeria, performed shorter time than what was expected. He came on stage after performance of Rwandan trapper, Ish Kevin.

He only performed three songs and left stage surprisedly, fans guessed that he would come back in stage but he didn't.

5. Fans made him(Ruger) to fall down, guessed that he took alcohol irresponsibly.

After performance of his loved song'Dior' he moved slowly by greeting fans, one of his fans took his hand making him to fall down like drunken man. People guessed that he took alcohol irresponsibly.

Other people denounced that his uniqueness of covering his eyes could affect his brain to lose control and causing him to lose mental stability. It was seen in his live concerts, he likes to perform short time standing and other times performing by sitting.

Niyonkuru Augustin He is a journalist. For more information, please contact him; +250781548774.